Hey guys Manoj Maity, from a seo expert in Bangalore & founder of the blog DevCHimp.net and I, 'm here with another Google update. 

Today I'm going to cover why SEO on your website it may not fit current Google's current algorithm or the way that they rank websites anymore and for that, I kind of want to give some context about who I'm talking to on this update where I'm talking to.

People who maybe know a little bit about SEO and maybe you've heard a little bit about Google's algorithm changes specifically rank brand and hummingbird but aren't quite sure what that means for them yet so first let's talk about what happened here so last year.

Google announced that they were testing a new machine learning algorithm called rank brain they said that they used it to filter about 15% of searches to give people a little bit of a more relevant result as best we can tell what rank brain is it's a filter that helps.

Google better interpret what people are saying when they search for something or the question that they're asking for when they do a search and it's worked so well for Google now that they've just announced that they're rolling it out to all of their searches so all of the Google searches will be filtered through this rankbrain program to get a better understanding about what's going on.

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The reason this is important is that it helps clue us in that Google is kind of completing a shift in the way that they rank web pages and interpret somebody searches and it gives us a little bit of direction on what website owners or people who are doing search marketing should be doing differently now versus a couple of years ago.

So I'm gonna try and explain this and a little bit closer to playing English now for a long time search engines kind of worked like a parrot you would say some search terms to it and they would echo back web pages that have roughly the same set of search terms are roughly the same set of words that you put into the search engine and that's what you would get as a result and we kind of the way we search to get the result that we wanted and that worked really well until people started having a more conversational tone with the search engine.

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So whether they were searching from a voice search or just asking questions to Google the search engine wasn't really built to do that so they released an improvement to the way that they rank the web pages and it was called hummingbird and the goal of this hummingbird update to.

Google was to better understand your question and pair it with an answer instead of just an echo of the words that you put into the search engines while the algorithm hummingbird has worked exceptionally well you probably didn't even notice that it happened it was very very manual for them because to understand how people were learning and talking there were actually manual people feeding the search engine connections and synonyms that it would then use to deliver a more accurate more.

The onPoint result gave the question that your that you're trying to have answered the problem though with Google is that they handle literally trillions of searches every month it's millions in every day so monkeys with typewriters kind of hammering out connections in between words just weren't going to scale it's not 

It wasn't gonna be something they could roll out and that's where rankbrain comes in the ranked brain is an essentially a computer program that listens to the searches that people are doing and interprets and kind of groups them together so that it can better understand when you search for you know where should I buy groceries in Seattle Washington it can understand the intent of that search and give you an answer that is closely tied to what you were actually looking for.

The real reason that we think this is important is that it Clues us into the scope of where Google was headed into a more conversational question-answer relationship with the people who are searching and this change really signifies the largest change that google has ever made to the way that it ranks websites.

So it should also correspond with a shift in how we do SEO or how we try to give things to the search engines and so what that means is like the SEO that we did four years where we're trying to kind of shove keywords in and write two keywords he wasn't necessarily done wrong for the time but now it's outdated and it's off-target it's not gonna be as effective for a lot of years we kind of told people incorrectly you need to write to search engines.

Jam those keywords in make sure that they could act they have the keywords that somebody was going to be searching so that we could echo them back to them.

Now that Google is better identifying at identifying what the question is in the searcher that the searcher is looking for we need to be better about delivering that answer it's going to be crucial that we really up the game on the answers that we're giving on to people on their websites.

So I'm gonna give you one activity that you can try right now to maybe give you a little bit of focus and where your website needs to improve.

I want you to think really hard about what your target customer might be searching for online when the kind of researching your type of business and then I want you to go online search for those things or look at your competitor's websites and really take a hard look at whether or not your website is answering the questions as well as your competitors and the crux of this is if your website doesn't have.

The best answer for the question that a searcher is searching for you should have zero expectation that Google is going to continue to rank you at the top of the search results so it really does come down to we need to build better answers.

Build better content be built more purpose-built content into our websites if we want to catch the people who are searching for these non branded terms anyway I think that would be a good exercise let me know how it goes in the comments also there will be a link in the comments the description below to a blog post where you'll see some of my sources the transcript of this video and maybe some other resources that we can direct you to as always let us know what questions you want answered or if you want to talk with us about more about these topics check back often for more Google updates thanks for tuning in so you guys next time 


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